Command |
Description |
svn checkout "source" "destination" | Check out a working copy from a repository |
svn update | Update your working copy to the latest revision |
svn commit -m "Commit message" "repo" | Commit changes to the repository |
svn add "target1" "target2" "..." | Add files or directories to the repository |
svn delete"source" "destination" | Delete files or directories from the repository |
svn status | Show the status of your working copy |
svn log | Show the log of changes to the repository |
svn diff | Show the differences between your working copy and the repository |
svn revert | Revert changes in your working copy to the last committed version |
svn copy "source" "destination" | Copy files or directories within the repository or between different repositories |
svn move "source" "destination" | Move files or directories within the repository |
svn mkdir | Create a new directory in the repository |
svn merge | Merge changes from one branch or trunk to another |
svn info "target" | Show information about the working copy or a specific file or directory |
svn blame | Show the last person to modify each line of a file |
svn switch | Change the URL that a working copy tracks |
svn lock -m "message" "target" | Lock a file to prevent other users from committing changes to it |
svn cleanup | Cleanup the working copy, removing locks and resuming unfinished operations |
svn resolve | Resolve conflicts that occurred during an update or merge |
svn propget | Get the value of a property for a file or directory |
svn propset | Set the value of a property for a file or directory |
svn propdel | Remove a property from a file or directory |
svn proplist | List the properties of a file or directory |
svn export | Export a clean directory tree from the repository, without the .svn directories |
svn import | Add files or directories to the repository, creating an initial revision |
svn cat | Output the contents of a file as of a specific revision |
source로부터 파일을 가져올 때 씀
# source to destination
svn checkout https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
# check out only the top-level files and directories
# --depth option can be set to 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity'.
svn checkout --depth=empty https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
# check out revision 100 of the project
svn checkout -r 100 https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
#해당 디렉토리를 repo에 올림
svn commit -m "Commit message" /path/to/local/directory
# commit only the file README.txt
svn commit -m "Updating README" /path/to/local/directory/README.txt
↔ unlock
# 해당 디렉토리를 잠금
svn lock -m "Locking file for editing" /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
# lock multiple files
svn lock -m "Locking multiple files" /path/to/local/directory/file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/file2.txt
svn lock --force -m "Stealing lock" /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#해당 directory에 repo에 추가
svn add /path/to/local/directory/new_file.txt
# add multiple files
svn add /path/to/local/directory/new_file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_file2
#해당 파일 삭제
svn add /path/to/local/directory/new_file.txt
# add multiple files
svn add /path/to/local/directory/new_file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_file2
# source를 destination에 복사
svn copy /path/to/local/directory/file.txt /path/to/local/directory/copy_of_file.txt
# copy multiple files - 여러 개의 파일 복사
svn copy /path/to/local/directory/file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/copy_of_file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/file2.txt /path/to/local/directory/copy_of_file2.txt
# Repository URL을 이용해서 복사 가능
svn copy https://example.com/svn/project1/file.txt https://example.com/svn/project2/file.txt -m "copying file from project1 to project2"
# https://example.com/svn/project/trunk 레포지터리 revision 100과 200의 변경 사항을 working directory 와 병합함
# -r 옵션은 revision을 뜻함
svn merge -r 100:200 https://example.com/svn/project/trunk /path/to/local/directory
# --dry-run 을 써서 실제 병합하지 않고 변경사항이 얼마나 만들어질지 볼 수 있음
svn merge --dry-run -r 100:200 https://example.com/svn/project/trunk /path/to/local/directory
# accept 옵션을 이용해서 Conflict 제어할 수 있음
svn merge --accept=mine-full -r 100:200 https://example.com/svn/project/trunk /path/to/local/directory
#source에서 destination으로 옮김
svn move /path/to/local/directory/file.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_folder/file.txt
# move multiple files - 여러 파일 옮김
svn move /path/to/local/directory/file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_folder/file1.txt /path/to/local/directory/file2.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_folder/file2.txt
# 해당 target에 대한 info를 보여줌
svn info /path/to/local/directory
# 파일에 대한 info도 보여줌
svn info /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
# --show-item 으로 특정한 정보도 얻을 수 있음
svn info --show-item=url /path/to/local/directory
# URL로도 정보를 얻을 수 있음
svn info https://example.com/svn/project
#해당 디렉터리에 대한 change 히스토리를 보여줌
svn log /path/to/local/directory
#파일, 디렉토리 둘다 됨
svn log /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#tail 5개만 보여줌 -> 최근 5개
svn log -l 5 /path/to/local/directory
#-r 옵션으로 리비전 간의 log를 볼 수 있음
svn log -r 100:200 /path/to/
# target의 status를 보여줌
svn status /path/to/local/directory
#파일의 status를 보여줌
svn status /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
Status들은 아래와 같음
?: files that are not under version control
A: files that have been added to version control, but not yet committed
D: files that have been deleted from version control, but not yet committed
M: files that have been modified and need to be committed
C: files that are in a conflicted state
#현재 {directory}에서 작업하는 것과 Repo의 {directory}에서 작업하는 것의 차이점을 보여줌
svn diff /path/to/local/directory
#해당 파일의 차이점을 보여줌
svn diff /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#revision 간의 차이점을 보여줌
svn diff -r 100:200 /path/to/local/directory
#change 내역을 summarize 해서 보여줌
svn diff --summarize /path/to/local/directory
# 외부 diff 툴을 이용할 수 있음
svn diff --diff-cmd=meld /path/to/local/directory
annotation과 같은 추가 정보
수정 내역을 볼 수 있음
#해당 file의 정보 볼 수 있음
svn blame /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#revision 사이의 내역 정보를 볼 수 있음
svn blame -r 100:200 /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#revision 번호까지 나옴
svn blame -v /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#graph와 같이 나옴
svn blame -g /path/to/local/directory/file.txt
#해당 repo의 해당 directory를 import 할 수 있음
svn import /path/to/local/directory https://example.com/svn/project -m "Initial import"
#디렉토리 자체를 recursive 하게 가져옴
svn import -N /path/to/local/directory https://example.com/svn/project -m "Initial import"
#global-ignores pattern과 매치되어도 가져옴
svn import --no-ignore /path/to/local/directory https://example.com/svn/project -m "Initial import"
# source를 destination에 export함 (a clean directory tree of the repository)
svn export https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
#revision을 이용해서 export 가능
svn export -r 100 https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
#--force는 덮어쓰기를 허용함
svn export --force https://example.com/svn/project /path/to/local/directory
#해당 디렉토리를 리스트 형태로 보여줌
svn list https://example.com/svn/project
svn list https://example.com/svn/project/trunk
#recursive 하게 보여줌
svn list -R https://example.com/svn/project
#해당 revision 보여줌
svn list -r 100 https://example.com/svn/project
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