템플릿의 설명은 이미 했고
템플릿이 무엇이 있나 아는 만큼 써보겠다.
1. 돈은 아껴쓰기
I always have a tight budget. That's why I have to buy (something) at the reasonable price.
2.돈 쓰는 이유
2-1 물건에 돈 쓰기: 한 번에 돈이 좀 들어도 사놓으면 오래 쓴다
I tend to use things for a long time. So i'd like to get a quality.
2-2 시간에 돈 쓰기: 먹고, 입고, 느끼는 것에 돈을 쓰면 행복해지고 스트레스 풀림
I just like it because it makes me feel great.
I can get rid of my stress when I watch a movie.
It's a simple way to make myself happy.
3. 수단(How)과 방법(Method/Style/Way)를 물을 때는 '인터넷'으로 답한다. + 장점과 단점
I usually buy things on the internet. Because I can compare the prices online fast and buy the item at the best price. Also, it's convenient because i don't need to go to the store. Moreover, I can buy whatever I want, whenever I need as long as I have the internet access. So it's very economical and practical for me in order to save living expenses.
장점: through the internet, we can get the latest information and share ideas with others in real time.
단점: the information on the internet is not always accurate reliable and i can spread to others rapidly on the internet.
4. 오래 쓸 물건을 사려면 백화점
I usually go to the department store near my place because I can check the quality of the products in person. Also, I can try things on and see if they look good on me. I love it because I'm fashion-conscious. Moreover, it's easy to save living expenses using my membership card.
5.사람들이 많은 쪽이 좋지.
Interacting with others is very practical because it is easy for me to get helped from them. While dealing with others, I can learn social skills, communication skills, teamwork and cooperative spirit. When I share work with others, it is efficient to save working time.
I love traveling abroad because I can have a great time with my friends and family. Also, visiting a lot of tourist attractions is beneficial to experience new culture and people. Additionally, enjoying amazing scenery and delicious food makes me get rid of stress.
(건강과 몸매유지, 스트레스해소, 친구사귀기 등)
I can keep in shape and make myself healthy.
If ---- , we can work more efficiently. It will increase work productivity and eventually bring more profits to the business in the long run.
9. 좋은 이미지
If----, you can give a good image to others and stand out. You can get more chances to succeed to work.
They have a lot of experiences in their fields. So I can get useful tips and practical advice from them. Also, their advice is more reliable than any other information.
11. 단체
People who have --- tend to get along with others well. These days, a lot of works are done as a team. So it's important for ---- to ---.
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TOEFL SPEAKING, TOEFL WRITING 토플 말하기, 쓰기 공부법 (0) | 2019.01.12 |