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다만 어떻게 해결하느냐? 가 중요할 뿐
I will write it all in English.
All human interaction is negotiation.
Negotiation takes place when two or more people, with differing view, come together to attempt to reach an agreement on an issue.
The purpose of negotiating is to produce something better than the result I can obtain without negotiation.
Since it involves interacting with the goal of obtaining an agreement or the result you desire, all human interaction is essentially a negotiating arena.
인간의 모든 활동은 협상의 한 과정이라고 볼 수 있다.
이 협상 과정은 두 사람 이상이 모이면 필연적으로 발생하게 되는 것이다.
또한 협상과정은 결과를 좋은 방향으로 이끌어내는 데 목적이 있다.
What is negotiation?
Negotiation is about getting the best possible deal in the best possible way.
Why do we negotiate?
Decision-making, Dispute resolution, Deal-making, etc.
There are many forms of negotiation that has purposes
물건을 사기 위해 가격을 흥정하는 것
여행을 할 때 그 관광지를 갈 지 결정하는 것
교통수단을 정할 때 무엇을 탈 지 정하는 것
모두 Negotiation의 한 종류이다.
** negotiation involves influencing other in order to get what we want.
In your life, there are times not to negotiate. (Kheel, 1999)
- When you do not care /status quo.
- When there is a hidden agenda.
- When you are not prepared.
- When there is no trust.
- When you have no time.
- When interests or options are unethical.
- When waiting can improve your situation.(technology issue, financial issue, etc.)
Since we all have different emotions , temperament, disposition, and other aspectof of our personality, that gives each of us unique needs, interest, goals and perspectives.
모두가 다르기 때문에 Negotiation이란 달라질 수 밖에 없다.
In order to negotiate successfully, every negotiator has to understand basic terms about negotiation as they represent a powerful framework for negotiation effectiveness.
1. ZOPA, Zone of possible agreement
ZOPA is the bargaining zone, the space between the buyer's reservation price and the seller's reservation price.
협상 가능 영역이라고 부른다.
내가 허용하는 영역, 상대방이 허용하는 영역이 교집합이 생길 때
비로소 협상이 가능해지기 때문이다.
**ZOPA를 정해놓지 않는다면 상대의 ZOPA에 끌려다닐 것이다.
2. BATNA, Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement || CONA , Consequences of No Deal
In order to work out their best alternative in a negotiation, people are calculating their walk away position or BATNA.
BATNA provides a clearer sense of clarity in any negotiation.
Confidence and personal power come with a strong BATNA.
BATNA provides the power to walk away and builds self-confidence which plays a major role in effective negotiation.
It is strategically smart to consider not only our own but also your negotiating partner's BATNA.
합의가 불가능할 때 -> 즉, ZOPA의 교집합이 생기지 않을 때
바로 그 대안이 BATNA가 되는 것이다.
상대방이 내 ZOPA를 벗어난다면 우리는 대안을 생각해야한다.
그것이 바로 BATNA이다.
**상대방의 BATNA를 아는 것이 정말 중요하다.
상대방이 BATNA가 없다면 우리는 그것을 이용하여 협상을 유리한 방향으로 이끌 수도 있다는 것이다.
BATNA - Definition, Importance and Practical Examples
BATNA is an acronym that stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. It is defined as the most advantageous alternative that a negotiating party can take if negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be made. In other words, a party’s BATNA is
3. Reservation value
It is equal to BATNA. but it can add other issues that make you want to do the deal.(opportunity costs, ego, or other preferences)
BATNA와 같은 것으로 ZOPA에서 BATNA로 넘어가는 분기점을 의미한다.
위의 그림에서 보자면 Worst case를 의미한다.
4. Bargaining range
It is the distance between reservation points of the parties.
ZOPA의 크기라고 보면 된다.
아니면 Worst case의 사이 거리라고 생각하면 된다.
5. Splitting the difference
It means arriving at a deal that is halfway between the positions of each party.
쉽게 말하면 절충안을 의미한다.
It is the first figure put forward on the table.
먼저 제시한 금액에 맞추어 협상이 진행될 수 밖에 없는 효과를 말한다.
(Anchoring Effect)
Negotiation strategy
There are 2 types of negotiation -> Expanding the pie or Dividing it
크게 만들어서 둘 다 만족할 크기를 가지든가.
최대한 내가 많이 가지든가.
1. Integrative, Collaborative, or Interest-based Negotiation Strategy (win-win)
It is based on mutual collaboration, interest, and problem-solving and parties are working side by side in order to achieve outcomes that are mutually beneficial to all.
Since the focus is on merit, not a position, this approach can be described as expanding the pie as it is oriented towards building opportunities for mutual gain and value creation.
Here are some principles.
- Separate people from the problem
- Focus on interest, not positions
- Insist on using objective criteria and set out the "facts"
- Listen carefully to different interests in order to invent options for mutual gain
- Listen first, talk second
- Know your BATNA
- Make sure that good relationships are a priority
**Compromise is not the same as a win-win
In the Compromise situation, Both parties make some sacrifices to find an agreeable outcome.
With a win-win, both parties achieve their desired outcomes.
Comromise는 서로 원하는 것을 얻기 위해 무엇인가를 포기하는 것을 의미한다.
협상이란 것이 꼭 싸워서 이긴다는 의미만을 가지는 것은 아님.
서로 협력하는 방향으로 서로 간의 이득을 최대화하는 방향으로 가는 것도 있음.
2. Distributive, Competitive or Positional Negotiation Strategy (win-lose)
The ultimate goal of distributive negotiation is that one side wins as much as they can.
It is who gets how much of a fixed total.
Negotiation is based on fixed, opposing viewpoints which often builds animosity or rivalry.
Negotiations mostly involve multiple issues( delivery, service, financing, bonuses, timing, and relationships, etc
이 협상방법은 내가 이긴만큼 가져가는 형태로
일반적으로 협상이라고 생각되는 싸움 형태이다.
**하지만 대부분의 문제는 위 2가지 종류의 협상이 섞여있다.
우리가 해결해 나갈 문제에 대해서 어떤 측면으로 문제를 바라볼 수 있는가?
그 문제에 대해 서로 좋아질 수 있는 방향이 있는가?아니면내가 이겨야하는가?에 대해 알아보았다.
the things you've done are all humans do.
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